FaceBook ingriper nu mot falska videor, DeepFakes, men kommer fortfarande att tillåta politiska annonser, oavsett innehåll i det närmaste, och det betyder att en lögner, falska påstående och desinformation kommer att slinka genom.
Den sociala mediajätten har fått bitvis hård kritik för sitt ställningstagande att tillåta politiska annonser, utan granskning.
The decision means Facebook will begin removing all content that has been manipulated ”in ways that aren’t apparent to an average person” such as through machine learning techniques, which have proven quite adept in the recent past. And while deepfakes aren’t as widespread as other types of manipulated content, the scale of Facebook’s platform can be used to weaponize attacks on a politician’s image through content that has been edited in a way that makes people think an official said something they didn’t actually say.
Nu ska Facebook stoppa DeepFakes men fortfarande släppa igenom politiska annonser.
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