Amid its ongoing encryption battle with the FBI, Apple has published its latest biannual transparency report. This report reveals how many requests were made for user data by governments around the world, and how many with which Apple could comply.
This data covers January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019. Apple is required by Justice Department rules to delay the release of these figures by six months, as noted by TechCrunch’s Zack Whittaker.
During this period, Apple says that governments made 31,778 requests for devices, which up by around 500 compared to the first half of 2018. Those requests covered a total of over 195,000 devices, and Apple says it was able to provide data in 82% of those instances. On a per-country basis, Germany made the most device requests at just over 13,500. The United States made 4,796 requests.
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