Är du över 65 år? I så fall tillhör du den grupp nätanvändare som sprider mest falska nyheter. Det visar en ny undersökning som är gjord av Science Advances.
Undersökningen är gjord före och efter valet i USA 2016 och länkar som publicerats har faktagranskats.
Today’s study, published in Science Advances, examined user behavior in the months before and after the 2016 US presidential election. In early 2016, the academics started working with research firm YouGov to assemble a panel of 3,500 people, whoch included both Facebook users and non-users. On November 16th, just after the election, they asked Facebook users on the panel to install an application that allowed them to share data including public profile fields, religious and political views, posts to their own timelines, and the pages that they followed. Users could opt in or out of sharing individual categories of data, and researchers did not have access to the News Feeds or data about their friends.
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