Det här är historien om en liten kille, autistisk, som bryter samman när han ska få träffa Snövit på Disney-world. Det är också historien om en Snövit som går längre än vad som kan krävas av en anställd och som räcker ut en hand till en som behöver det och som går längre – medmänsklig värme.
Det är Brodys mamma, Lauren Bergner, som berättar historien.
I wanted to share an amazing experience that I had today Sunday August 25th in Epcot. My son Brody has Autism and is non verbal . We went to meet Snow White by the fountain at the Germany Pavilion at 4:00 this afternoon . My son was having a autism meltdown . He was crying and was overwhelmed and just having a hard time . Snow White was amazing with him !! She kissed , hugged and cuddled him . He was laying his head crying on her lap. She then took him for a walk away from the crowd ! She was amazing . She held his hand , danced with him , took him over to a bench and sat with him . She went above and beyond !! She took so much time with him .She was a pure angel ! She was magical and my family is forever thankful and touched !I would love to personally thank her .
Is there an email that you can share with me? I have attached the pictures that were taken from the Disney photographer . I am thankful these moments were captured . My heart is full .Please make sure she is recognized !
We will never forget this moment .
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