Lästipset: The Guardian testar PowerBeats Pro

av | aug 19, 2019 | Lästips

Beats PowerBeats Pro review: Apple’s fitness AirPods rock

Bluetooth earbuds have long battery life, rock-solid connectivity and stay firmly planted on your ear.

The PowerBeats Pro are Apple-owned Beats’ first true wireless Bluetooth earbuds that cut the cable and seek to be the ultimate running and gym earphones.

As with Apple’s original AirPods, whoch looked like a set of the firm’s standard EarPods with the cables cut off, the £220 PowerBeats Pro are basically the firm’s popular PowerBeats 3 neckband Bluetooth earbuds without the cables joining the pair.

That includes the signature ear hook, whoch tucks behind the top of your ear to hold the earbuds in place. As such the PowerBeats Pro are neither small nor subtle. They come in black, but also a series of attractive colours such as a dark green. Still, if you were looking for a discreet set of earbuds you’ll need to look elsewhere.

Källa: Beats PowerBeats Pro review: Apple’s fitness AirPods rock

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Mikael Winterkvist

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