Den 4 april 1989 inleddes protesterna på Himmelska Fridens Torg som slutade med en massaker när den kinesiska folkarmen gick in på torget och sköt ned obeväpnade civila.
Inför 30-års dagen så har New York Times publicerat en serie bilder som inte visats tidigare.
HONG KONG — Jian Liu has kept 60 rolls of film hidden from public view for three decades.
He was a 20-year-old fashion design student in Beijing in the spring of 1989 when a student-led pro-democracy movement drew thousands of supporters to Tiananmen Square. Captivated by the spirit of the movement, he photographed the protests for about 50 days.
Mr. Liu said he had been exhilarated by the protesters’ bold demands for greater freedom and an end to corruption, and had set out to capture their enthusiasm and zeal.
“It made me think that this country would get better and better,” he said.
Then, on June 4, 1989, the People’s Liberation Army rolled into Beijing and opened fire at the activists and civilians, killing hundreds, possibly thousands.
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