Chris Hughes var med och grundade Facebook. Nu vill han bryta upp företaget som han anser har blivit alltför dominerande.
I en debattartikel i New York Times skriver Hughes:
Mark is a good, kind person. But I’m angry that his focus on growth led him to sacrifice security and civility for clicks. I’m disappointed in myself and the early Facebook team for not thinking more about how the News Feed algorithm could change our culture, influence elections and empower nationalist leaders. And I’m worried that Mark has surrounded himself with a team that reinforces his beliefs instead of challenging them.
Hughes räknar upp en rad skandaler och det faktum att Mark Zuckerberg kontrollerar Facebook, WhatsApp och Instagram med sina 60 procent av de röststarka aktierna.
The government must hold Mark accountable. For too long, lawmakers have marveled at Facebook’s explosive growth and overlooked their responsibility to ensure that Americans are protected and markets are competitive.
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