Lästipset: Så här lurade bilindustrin alla med fusksiffror om dieselutsläpp

av | mar 26, 2019 | Lästips

Dirty lies: how the car industry hid the truth about diesel emissions

John German had not been looking to make a splash when he commissioned an examination of pollution from diesel cars back in 2013. The exam compared what came out of their exhaust pipes, during the lab tests that were required by law, with emissions on the road under real driving conditions. German and his colleagues at the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) in the US just wanted to tie up the last loose ends in a big report, and thought the research would give them something positive to say about diesel.

They might even be able to offer tips to Europe from the US’s experience in getting the dirty fuel to run a little cleaner.

Källa: Dirty lies: how the car industry hid the truth about diesel emissions

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Mikael Winterkvist

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