Facebook fortsätter att städa ut sidor med kopplingar till Alex Jones och Infowars. I den senaste resningen så har mer än 20 sidor plockats bort.
Sedan Infowars och Alex Jones stoppades av flera av de stora sociala plattformarna så har nya sidor med snarlika namn och nya konton dykt upp på Facebook, Twitter och andra tjänster. Ett kort tag så flyttades mängder av videofilmer över till Vimeo innan Alex Jones stoppades igen.
Facebook removed more than 20 pages that are associated with Alex Jonesand InfoWars on Tuesday, according to a new report.
CNN reported the pages connected to Jones and InfoWars were part of a larger plan to take down pages that violate its recidivism policy.One of the pages removed from Facebook was NewsWars, according to the report, and ultimately 22 pages associated with Jones and his website were removed. The prevalence of NewWars on Facebook and YouTube were revealed by a Daily Dot investigation in January. YouTube removed NewsWars after the report.
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