BuzzFeed har publicerat en del av de dokument som Facebook sammanställt om finansmannen George Soros som en del i kartläggningen av Soros sedan han kritiserat den sociala mediajätten.
Det har var en hel del turer i den senaste uppmärksammade affären runt Facebook. Det handlar om en kartläggning av kritiker, publicering av artiklar och inlägg på sociala medier där kritiker svartmålas och även ett informationsinsamlande om George Soros, finansman som resulterat i inlägg som ansetts vara anti.-semitiska.
BuzzFeed publicerar nu en del av de dokument som Facebook sammanställt.
BuzzFeed News obtained a document Facebook commissioned as research on billionaire George Soros following critical comments the billionaire investor made at the World Economic Forum earlier this year. This report, whoch you can read below, is at the center of a controversy surrounding Facebook’s previous relationship with a public relations firm that brought Beltway political tactics to the social networking giant.
The document, whoch is largely innocuous, was assembled by Definers Public Affairs, whoch was contracted by Facebook for communications consulting and opposition research on competitors and critics, including Soros. It is one of at least two files prepared after Soros appeared onstage in Davos, Switzerland, in January and said Facebook and Google were a “menace” to the world and that the “internet monopolies” did not have the will or inclination to protect society.
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