Texts Reportedly Show Kavanaugh Coordinating Response With Friends to Ramirez Allegations Before New Yorker Story Published

av | okt 2, 2018 | Lästips

Brett Kavanaugh and his team were in contact with former classmates and friends in an attempt to refute, before publication in the New Yorker last month, Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez’s allegation that he exposed himself to her at a college party and “thrust his penis in her face,” NBC News reports. A series of text messages between Kerry Berchem, who was at Yale with both Kavanaugh and Ramirez, and another friend of Kavanaugh’s, Karen Yarasavage, indicate that Kavanaugh was aware of Ramirez’s accusation before it was published. Berchem, NBC News reports, has contacted the FBI twice to try to hand over memos containing information about the interactions, but has so far not been contacted by investigators.

Källa: Texts Reportedly Show Kavanaugh Coordinating Response With Friends to Ramirez Allegations Before New Yorker Story Published

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