The Best Evidence That the NFL Effectively Banned Colin Kaepernick? His Name Is Eric Reid.

av | sep 22, 2018 | Lästips

COLIN KAEPERNICK SHOULD have an NFL job right now. He’s arguably better and more accomplished than half of the starting quarterbacks currently in the league. He’s better and more accomplished than every backup. Let’s not even talk about third-stringers. The notion that Kaepernick is not one of the top 100 quarterbacks in the league is preposterous.

Just for argument’s sake, though, let’s work from the premise that Kaepernick is not in the NFL right now for purely football reasons. Let’s start at the position that every quarterback in the entire league is better, more skilled, more capable, more accomplished than he is. All of them. And that he’s been out of the NFL for over 500 days simply because it has been determined on football grounds that he would not make a single team better.

Källa: The Best Evidence That the NFL Effectively Banned Colin Kaepernick? His Name Is Eric Reid.

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Mikael Winterkvist

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