iOS Twitter client Leaf joins others as it announces end of life due to Twitter API changes

av | aug 18, 2018 | Lästips

Popular iOS Twitter client, Leaf, has announced today that the app will no longer be getting updates. With the announcement, the developer iPlop, and app designer Surenix have shed some light on what they’ve been working on, but will ultimately never see the light of day.

The duo shared that Leaf’s long-awaited update will never come to fruition due to the recent Twitter API changes. Their official account tweeted:

Due to recent Twitter API changes, we’re sad to announce the end of Leaf. This means some new features will never see the light of day. Although we’ve never got a chance to launch these features, we’d still like to show you what they looked like in development.

Källa: iOS Twitter client Leaf joins others as it announces end of life due to Twitter API changes

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