Trump Finds a New Weapon for His War on Journalism — Leak Indictments Aimed at Smearing Reporters

av | jul 16, 2018 | Lästips

LAST MONTH, James Wolfe was indicted for lying to the FBI about his contacts with four reporters while he worked for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. His indictment, and the media coverage of it, focused to a lopsided extent on just one of the reporters: Ali Watkins, who the indictment revealed to have been Wolfe’s girlfriend for several years.

While the 11-page indictment provided no information about the other reporters, there was an abundance on Watkins, who is 26 years old and was referred to as “Reporter #2.” It noted that she started her career in Washington, D.C. as “an intern with a news service” (McClatchy Newspapers), and went on to work for “several different news organizations covering national security” (the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed News, and Politico).

Källa: Trump Finds a New Weapon for His War on Journalism — Leak Indictments Aimed at Smearing Reporters

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Mikael Winterkvist

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