Twitterrific är tillbaka i en helt ny, uppdaterad och omskriven version finansierad via en insamlingskampanj.
Twitterrific var länge en av de tunga och populära programmen för Twitter, både för iOS och macOS. Icon Factory, utvecklarna, satsade över tid alltmer på sin iOS-version medan macOS-versionen halkade allt längre efter i utvecklingen.
Till slut var det ett obsolet Twitterprogram som saknade flera funktioner som finns i iOS-versionen. För ett drygt halvår sedan så drogs en insamlingskampanj igång för att blåsa liv i Twitterific för macOS igen och det är den versionen som nu lanseras.
- Twitter your way
- No ads, promoted tweets or ”while you were away” updates cluttering your chronological timeline.
- Designed for macOS
- Support for Notification Center, Retina displays, built-in sharing, full screen mode, and more.
- Timelines Galore
- Supports multiple windows all set to display the accounts and timelines you desire.
- Fully Accessible
- Navigate the timeline, compose tweets, and even attach image descriptions quickly and easily using VoiceOver.
- Tweet In Style
- Customize fonts, type sizes, and even control how media appears in the timeline.
- Read Anywhere
- Sync your reading position between Mac and iOS devices for a seamless Twitter experience.
Twitterrific finns i Mac App Store och kostar 209 kronor.
What’s New
Version 5.2.2:
- Muffle rules can now be deactivated without having to delete them.
- Scrolling the timeline with the keyboard now hides the mouse cursor.
- Tweaks to several icons for greater clarity
- Tweaks to the default themes
- New avatar shapes in Appearance preferences
- Better text rendering in popover windows
- Fixed a memory leak causing the app to use much more memory than necessary
- Fixed an issue causing length-based muffles to incorrectly count characters
- Fixed issues causing tweets that were both liked and retweeted to display an incorrect state when streaming
- Retweeting a retweet no longer redundantly changes the label to ”by you”.
- Fixed an issue with invisible white space characters causing difficulty when entering registration names and codes
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.11 or later
- Twitter account
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