Security flaw forces Estonia ID ’lockdown’ – BBC News

av | nov 4, 2017 | Lästips

Security flaw forces Estonia ID'lockdown' - BBC News

Security flaw forces Estonia ID ’lockdown’ – BBC News

Estonia is to block thousands of citizens from accessing online government services from Saturday while it works to fix a security flaw.A problem with the country’s national identity cards was identified earlier this year, affecting 760,000 people.The flaw could let attackers decrypt private data or impersonate citizens.Those who have not had their cards updated with new security certificates will no longer be able to use them to access some services from midnight.Estonia’s digital ID system lets citizens access government and some private services such as medical records, voting and banking.But security researchers found the encryption used in the ID cards was easily cracked whoch could, if exploited, let attackers impersonate people.”As far as we currently know, there has been no instances of e-identity theft, but the threat assessment of the Police and Border Guard Board and the Information System Authority indicates that this threat has become real,” said the country’s Prime Minister Juri Ratas.

Källa: Security flaw forces Estonia ID ’lockdown’ – BBC News

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