Twitter, Reddit och Pinterest finns med bland över 200 undertecknare av ett protestbrev som skickats till den amerikanska myndigheten Federal Communications Commission, FCC.
Protesterna gäller förslaget och planerna på att ta bort de regler som infördes under Obamas år som president till skydd för nätneutralitetsprincipen.
Last year, Americans spent almost $3.5 billion online on Cyber Monday, making it the largest online sales day in history. Each year this number increases, with last years sales growing more than 10 percent over 2015. Even Black Friday is becoming an online shopping day with more than $3 billion in online sales. E-commerce continues to grow and nearly $400 billion in retail sales were online last year. The internet is increasingly where commerce happens.
This economic growth is possible because of the free and open internet. Our current net neutrality rules support innovation and give all businesses the opportunity to compete equally for consumers. With strong net neutrality protections, the internet is an open marketplace where any business can compete, allowing individuals to start companies easily, market their products across the country, and connect with customers anywhere worldwide.
De stora
Även om de riktigt stora i branschen saknas som undertecknare så har både Facebook, Google, Apple och Microsoft gjort uttalanden till stöd för nätneutraliteten och mot FCCs planer.
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