Waiting in the wings: Dubai’s autonomous flying taxis | News | Al Jazeera

av | okt 1, 2017 | Lästips

With a whirling buzz from 18 rotors, the pilot-less helicopter gently lifted off the ground and soared up into the afternoon sky, the spire of the world’s tallest building visible behind it.The recent unmanned flight by the German-made electric Volocopter represents the latest step in Dubai’s pursuit of flying taxis.Dubai already has invested in another model of a flying, autonomous taxi, and is working to design regulations for their use. Putting more passengers in the air could free its already clogged highways and burnish the city’s cutting-edge image of itself.”It’s public transportation for everybody, so you can use, you can order it, you can pay for the trip and the trip is not much more expensive than with a car,” said Alexander Zosel, Volocopter’s co-founder.

Källa: Waiting in the wings: Dubai’s autonomous flying taxis | News | Al Jazeera

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Mikael Winterkvist

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