Twitter updates tvOS app with new iOS integration to easily tweet while watching Apple TV | 9to5Mac

av | okt 12, 2017 | Lästips

Twitter updates tvOS app with new iOS integration to easily tweet while watching Apple TV | 9to5Mac

Twitter updates tvOS app with new iOS integration to easily tweet while watching Apple TV | 9to5Mac

In the latest version of Twitter for tvOS, the social media service has brought a new feature that allows you to pair your iOS device with your Apple TV as an easy way to tweet while watching specific shows and games.In a tweet today, Twitter announced the newest tvOS Twitter update features the ability to browse Twitter on the set top box while watching your favorite content, and then easily tweet with a Handoff-style connection from Apple TV to an iPhone or iPad.Adweek heard from Twitter about how the new feature works:Open Twitter on your iOS device and on the same Wi-Fi network as your Apple TV.Use the Siri remote while in Twitter for Apple TV and long-press for three seconds.Select @anyone to link your iOS device with your Apple TV.Send any tweet from the live timeline on the TV to your iOS device.Join the conversation on your iOS device and reply, like, retweet or add images and GIFs.

Source: Twitter updates tvOS app with new iOS integration to easily tweet while watching Apple TV | 9to5Mac

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