Sweden Supreme Court: Don’t Presume Prison Sentences For Pirates – TorrentFreak

av | okt 10, 2017 | Lästips

Sweden Supreme Court: Don't Presume Prison Sentences For Pirates - TorrentFreak

Sweden Supreme Court: Don’t Presume Prison Sentences For Pirates – TorrentFreak

In the wake of a case involving the administrator of a now-defunct private torrent tracker, Sweden’s Supreme Court has handed down an important ruling. Following requests from prosecutors seeking jail sentences for copyright infringement, the Court has ruled that the offense is not one where the presumed sentence should be imprisonment.The trend over the past several years is for prosecutors to present copyright infringement offenses as serious crimes, often tantamount to those involving theft of physical goods.This has resulted in many cases across the United States and Europe where those accused of distributing or assisting in the distribution of copyrighted content face the possibility of custodial sentences. Over in Sweden, prosecutors have homed in on one historical case in order to see where the boundaries lie.

Source: Sweden Supreme Court: Don’t Presume Prison Sentences For Pirates – TorrentFreak

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Mikael Winterkvist

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