List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

av | okt 16, 2017 | Lästips

List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

As many people have read or will soon read, there is a vulnerability in the WPA2 wireless protocol called Krack that could allow attackers to eavesdrop on wireless connections and inject data into the wireless stream in order to install malware or modify web pages.To protect yourself, many WiFi product vendors will be releasing updated firmware and drivers for their products. It is strongly suggested that users update their hardware as soon as a update is available in order to protect themselves. This includes router firmware and wireless network card drivers.To help with this, I have created a list of known information regarding various WiFi vendors and whether new drivers are available. As this vulnerability is fairly new, there is little information available, I advise you to check this page throughout the coming days to see if new information is available. This page includes information resulting from contacting of vendors, CERT’s informative page, and other sources.

Source: List of Firmware & Driver Updates for KRACK WPA2 Vulnerability

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Mikael Winterkvist

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