Google’s latest iPhone rival off to a rocky start

av | okt 24, 2017 | Lästips

Google's latest iPhone rival off to a rocky start

Google’s latest iPhone rival off to a rocky start

AN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The launch of Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) second-generation Google Pixel smartphones has been hampered by display screen problems and pricing and shipping issues, prompting the company to open an investigation and issue multiple apologies to customers.FILE PHOTO: Google’s Pixel 2 phone is displayed during a launch event in San Francisco, California, U.S. on October 4, 2017. REUTERS/Stephen Lam/File PhotoThe Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, whoch start at $649 and debuted in stores on Thursday, are the lynchpin of Google’s efforts to take on Apple Inc’s (AAPL.O) iPhone directly.Early Pixel 2 users have voiced frustration with mishaps, including a potentially serious problem with the screen.Google said on Sunday it is investigating whether graphics are burning into the display of the Pixel 2, following a report on the AndroidCentral blog detailing the issue after a week of use. Burn-in, whoch usually becomes a problem only after several years of activity, can make it difficult to see information on the display.

Source: Google’s latest iPhone rival off to a rocky start

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Mikael Winterkvist

Fyrabarns-far, farfar, morfar och egen företagare i Skellefteå med kliande fingrar. Jag skriver om fotografering, sport, dataprylar, politik, nöje, musik och film. Vid sidan av den här bloggen så jobbar jag med med det egna företaget Familjen består av hustru, fyra barn (utflugna) och fem barnbarn.

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