Apple’s head of iCloud infrastructure technology departs the company | 9to5Mac

av | okt 7, 2017 | Lästips

Apple’s head of iCloud infrastructure technology departs the company | 9to5Mac

Apple’s head of iCloud infrastructure technology departs the company | 9to5Mac

A new report from CNBC this evening claims that the Apple executive responsible for the company’s iCloud infrastructure has left the company. Eric Billingsley was Apple’s director of internet services operations, overseeing much of the iCloud backend…The report says Patrick Gates will take over Billingsley’s position. Gates was already in charge of infrastructure for services like Siri, but his responsibilities will now expand in lieu of Billingsley.Billingsley came to Apple relatively recently, joining in 2013 after time at eBay and Google.According to CNBC’s source, data infrastructure has been “a bit of a problem child” at Apple and Gates is largely seen as the company’s way of “righting the ship” after those struggles.Currently, Apple relies heavily on the likes of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure for its backend, but today’s report suggests that Billingsley’s departure could hint at Apple looking to move on from those services, instead focusing on its own “Project McQueen” backend.

Källa: Apple’s head of iCloud infrastructure technology departs the company | 9to5Mac

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