Tesla flips a switch to increase the range of some cars in Florida to help people evacuate | TechCrunch

av | sep 12, 2017 | Lästips

Tesla flips a switch to increase the range of some cars in Florida to help people evacuate | TechCrunch

Tesla flips a switch to increase the range of some cars in Florida to help people evacuate | TechCrunch

Tesla has pushed an over-the-air update to some of its vehicles in Florida that lets those cars go just a liiiittle bit farther, thus helping their owners get that much farther away from the devastation of Hurricane Irma.Wondering how that’s even possible?Up until a few months ago, Tesla sold a 60kWh version of its Model S and Model X vehicles — but the battery in those cars was actually rated at 75kWh. The thinking: Tesla could offer a more affordable 60kWh version to those who didn’t need the full range of the 75kWh battery — but to keep things simple, they’d just use the same 75kWh battery and lock it on the software side. If 60kWh buyers found they needed more range and wanted to upgrade later, they could… or if Tesla wanted to suddenly bestow owners with some extra range in case of an emergency, they could.And that’s what’s happening here.

Källa: Tesla flips a switch to increase the range of some cars in Florida to help people evacuate | TechCrunch

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Mikael Winterkvist

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