Report: Apple and LG aiming for 2019 to reach deal for iPhone OLED panels | 9to5Mac

av | sep 10, 2017 | Lästips

Report: Apple and LG aiming for 2019 to reach deal for iPhone OLED panels | 9to5Mac

Report: Apple and LG aiming for 2019 to reach deal for iPhone OLED panels | 9to5Mac

Just after a note from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo this afternoon said Samsung was part of the reason for the iPhone 8’s high price, a new report from Bloomberg says LG’s OLED efforts aren’t going as well as planned. Thus, Apple may be forced to stick with Samsung for longer than it originally had hoped…Spigen TEKA RA200 Airpods Earhooks CoverThe report explains that Apple will be stuck with Samsung as the sole OLED display supplier until “at least 2019.” According to “people familiar with the matter,” LG is targeting 2019 for its full production of OLED panels to begin. The company is said to currently be negotiating payment details.LG and Apple have been in discussions to reach a deal for OLED screens for a while, but LG has faced several challenges in production. For instance, the company is struggling to secure evaporation machines because of competition from Samsung. Furthermore, LG has been unable to meet the production yield required by Apple.

Källa: Report: Apple and LG aiming for 2019 to reach deal for iPhone OLED panels | 9to5Mac

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