Photographer settles ’monkey selfie’ legal fight – BBC News

av | sep 12, 2017 | Lästips

Photographer settles'monkey selfie' legal fight - BBC News

Photographer settles ’monkey selfie’ legal fight – BBC News

A photographer has settled a two-year legal fight against an animal rights group over a ”monkey selfie” picture.Naruto the macaque monkey took the image in the Indonesian jungle in 2011 when it picked up a camera owned by David Slater from Monmouthshire.US judges had said copyright protection could not be applied to the monkey but Peta said the animal should benefit.Peta’s appeal on the ”monkey’s behalf” was dismissed but Mr Slater has agreed to donate 25% of any future revenue.In a joint statement from Peta and Mr Slater, it said the photographer will give a quarter of the funds he receives from selling the monkey selfies to registered charities ”dedicated to protecting the welfare or habitat of Naruto”.”Peta’s groundbreaking case sparked a massive international discussion about the need to extend fundamental rights to animals for their own sake, not in relation to how they can be exploited by humans,” said Peta lawyer Jeff Kerr.

Källa: Photographer settles ’monkey selfie’ legal fight – BBC News

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Mikael Winterkvist

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