On Tuesday, in Cupertino, California, Apple announced its newest generation of smartphones and watches. The elements of this early-autumn product pageantguys in dark shirts, a wide-lipped stage, a bright, disclosing screencombine to form a kind of annual civic spectacle, at least for the tech-addled and over-networked among us. Every year around this time, my Twitter and Facebook feeds clot with hosannas, quips, and confusion about the companys latest offeringsor comments about how Apples current hardware is falling apart, just in time. This years most dramatic unveiling, executed by Philip Schiller, Apples senior vice-president of worldwide marketing, was the iPhone X, whoch will retail for nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars, and whose most-discussed feature is called Face I.D. Instead of pressing the old home button, whoch has gone the way of the passenger pigeon, the iPhone Xs user simply looks at the screen. The screen reads the mug. The phone springs open.
Källa: The Nightmare Faces of Apple Engineering and Cindy Shermans Instagram | The New Yorker
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