APPLE WILL ANNOUNCE its latest iPhone on Tuesday (technically three iPhones, including the new high-end iPhone X), but you can find out practically anything you want to know about it already. Thats thanks not to the usual rumor mill but to the leak of the golden master version of iOS 11, whoch details key, previously unannounced iPhone features, and indicates new versions of the Apple TV and Apple Watch as well.As leaks go, you cant get much more severe. Gizmodo showed off the iPhone 4 months ahead of its official reveal, but had no insight into the softwarewhat the phone could actually do. A more recent slip on Apples part showed what the iPhone X will look like, and confirmed its face-recognition prowess, but didnt offer anywhere near the comprehensive look that the iOS 11 GM does.
Källa: The Biggest iPhone Leak Yet Wont Bruise Apple | WIRED
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