Why ARKit will be Apple’s biggest innovation in years | Cult of Mac

av | sep 1, 2017 | Lästips

Why ARKit will be Apple's biggest innovation in years | Cult of Mac

Why ARKit will be Apple’s biggest innovation in years | Cult of Mac

From the iPhone 8 to iOS 11, Apple’s got no shortage of big launches coming in the next few weeks. But the one with the biggest long-term potential for Apple is one that Tim Cook says makes him want to “yell out and scream” with excitement.That product is ARKit, the augmented reality platform Apple unveiled this year at WWDC. Here’s why it’s going to be massively important for Apple.First, a caveat of sorts. While Cupertino enjoys a long history of tech breakthroughs, a handful of much-hyped misfires in the past few years have fueled skepticism about Apple innovation. The underlying technology of new products and features — like, for instance, the Touch Bar for last year’s MacBook Pro — often sounds promising.However, Apple’s recent reluctance to push ideas as far as they can go sometimes leads to disappointing results. Apple framed platforms like HomeKit and iBeacons as the next big thing, but they now seem like afterthoughts.

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