Over the past decade, the iPhone has transformed Apple into the world’s most profitable and biggest technology company.A host of app developers, chip makers and other industries depend on the Apple economy for survival and business owners, too, want to be able to work on the world’s most popular smartphone.An iPhone is not so much a new gadget but a new technological ecosystem. It’s powered by a closed operating system known as iOS, and not even the FBI can gain access to it. This is the key to Apple’s success.But there’s also concern about Apple’s dominant position with its suppliers and customers. Apple doesn’t even have to be priced competitively: with a price tag of $999 its newest model iPhone X is the world’s most expensive iPhone ever.
Sluta att titta på NHL – de spelar inte bättre ishockey, alltid
Så snart svensk ishockey kommer på tal så sägs det att allt är så mycket...
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