Apple’s ’iPhone 8’ may allow triggering Siri by holding sleep/wake button

av | sep 3, 2017 | Lästips

Apple's'iPhone 8' may allow triggering Siri by holding sleep/wake button

Apple’s ’iPhone 8’ may allow triggering Siri by holding sleep/wake button

To get around the absence of a physical home button, the ”iPhone 8” may let people trigger Siri by holding down the sleep/wake button when they’re not using ”Hey Siri.”The option was allegedly uncovered in source code by Brazilian iOS developer Guilherme Rambo. He didn’t say immediately identify whoch code, but Rambo was previously responsible for uncovering secrets from leaked Apple HomePod firmware, including the ”iPhone 8’s” apparent ”SmartCam” feature.Without a home button, Apple is reportedly having to make major interface adjustments for the ”iPhone 8,” implementing new gestures and a ”software bar,” as well as replacing Touch ID with 3D facial recognition. The company could conceivably put Siri in the software bar, but there have been no rumors to that effect yet.Apple will finally reveal the phone at a Sept. 12 press event. The company is also expected to show off the ”iPhone 7s” and ”7s Plus,”, an LTE-equipped Apple Watch, and a new Apple TV with 4K and HDR support.

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