Apple’s fitness lab has collected 66,000 hours of exercise data

av | sep 3, 2017 | Lästips

Apple's fitness lab has collected 66,000 hours of exercise data

Apple’s fitness lab has collected 66,000 hours of exercise data

Men’s Health writer Ben Court got to take a look around Apple’s not-so-secret-anymore exercise lab and the company’s director of fitness for health technologies had some bold claims about the work the lab has done. Apple’s Jay Blahnik told Court, ”Our lab has collected more data on activity and exercise than any other human performance study in history. Over the past five years, we’ve logged 33,000 sessions with over 66,000 hours of data, involving more than 10,000 unique participants.”We’ll just have to take his word on those stats, but with dozens of researchers and medical professionals studying even larger numbers of exercising employees every day for years, it becomes easy to see how Apple can log those sorts of numbers. And those efforts should be visible in the upcoming WatchOS 4, whoch will reportedly include high-intensity interval training and the ability to pair with cardio machines.

Källa: Apple’s fitness lab has collected 66,000 hours of exercise data

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Mikael Winterkvist

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