Slack vice president April Underwood gets ahead with curiosity, a ’superpower’ and 3 key questions – LA Times

av | aug 13, 2017 | Lästips

Slack vice president April Underwood gets ahead with curiosity, a'superpower' and 3 key questions - LA Times

Slack vice president April Underwood gets ahead with curiosity, a ’superpower’ and 3 key questions – LA Times

April Underwood, 37, is the vice president of product at enterprise software company Slack, one of the hottest tech companies in the Bay Area. As the head of product, she partners with engineering leadership to oversee a team of around 350 people and is responsible for product vision and strategy at a company that boasts more than 5 million daily active users and a valuation of more than a billion dollars.Curious kidUnderwood grew up in Amarillo, Texas, the daughter of parents who studied architecture. She was never pressured to pursue any particular career, although her family had a geeky streak. An uncle who worked at Texas Instruments encouraged her to play with the “Speak and Read,” “Speak and Spell” and “Speak and Math” toys when she was a kid. Another uncle gave her toys focused on learning binary. She wound up excelling at Advanced Placement chemistry and was later accepted to the University of Texas, Austin, for chemical engineering.

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