PewDiePie happily made Nazi jokes until he saw real Nazis | VentureBeat

av | aug 17, 2017 | Lästips

PewDiePie happily made Nazi jokes until he saw real Nazis | VentureBeat

PewDiePie happily made Nazi jokes until he saw real Nazis | VentureBeat

While one of PewDiePie’s motivations in making this declaration is likely financial, the bigger revelation here is that he didn’t believe that Nazis still exist and are a problem. I’m not pointing this out to call him dumb or ignorant — instead, it is an unsettling phenomenon. For years, black and Jewish Americans and groups like the NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have warned the rest of the world about white nationalism. In May, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo that said the white-supremacist movement “likely will continue to pose a threat of lethal violence over the next year,” according to a report from The Hill. And it seemed like one of the primary arguments against Donald Trump’s campaign for president was that he was riding a white nationalist base into power and he was happy to embolden them.

Källa: PewDiePie happily made Nazi jokes until he saw real Nazis | VentureBeat | PC Gaming | by Jeff Grubb

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