Google has taken action to curb the spread of Android malware based on ”SonicSpy” that besides just exfiltrating personal data from the phone, had the ability to silently record audio, take photos with the camera, make calls, and send text messages.First spotted by security researchers at Lookout, the malware package had been ”aggressively deployed” since February 2017, with several examples actually rolling out on the Google Play store. In each case, the apps masqueraded as cross-protocol messaging applications and installs as a custom version of the commonly used Telegraph.Specific data able to be purloined from the phone also includes call logs, contacts, information about wi-fi access points, and any personal information retained in the phone. It is unknown if the malware can examine other apps, and retrieve stored passwords.
Källa: Google refuses comment on ’aggressive deployment’ of Android spyware app in Play store
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