ESPN produces more than 60,000 hours of programming each year and the sports cabler has devised a few new ways to encourage viewers to gorge on more of that content than ever.A new version of the ESPN App for Apple TVs tvOS, available Wednesday, includes a feature called MultiCast that provides the ability to view up to four simultaneous live streams at once. On any given day, ESPN users can choose from 30 or more live events airing across its networks.In addition, ESPN is releasing version 5.10 of its app for iOS and Android featuring a new Watch tab that lets users access live-streaming events and shows based on their favorite teams. The update also adds ESPN3 replays to the apps existing on-demand highlights and long-form video.We want to take advantage of all the unique content we have, and make something only ESPN can do, said Ryan Spoon, ESPNs senior VP of digital product, design and audience development.
Källa: ESPNs Apple TV Update Lets You Binge-Watch Up to Four Live Streams at Once | Variety
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