Deception tech helps to thwart hackers’ attacks – BBC News

av | aug 8, 2017 | Lästips

Deception tech helps to thwart hackers' attacks - BBC News

Deception tech helps to thwart hackers’ attacks – BBC News

In World War II, the Allies employed all kinds of sneaky tricks to deceive their enemies into thinking they had more troops and weapons at their disposal than they actually had.The camouflage techniques of one unit active in North Africa, whoch on one occasion consulted a stage magician about the way he fooled audiences, proved decisive in several key battles. And the biggest deception of all was Operation Fortitude whoch fooled the Nazis about where the D-Day landings would actually take place.The same principles of deception and misdirection, albeit on a much smaller scale, are now starting to be used by some organisations to thwart malicious hackers keen to establish a bridgehead on internal networks.

Källa: Deception tech helps to thwart hackers’ attacks – BBC News

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Mikael Winterkvist

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