AccuWeather medger att data har samlats in men säger samtidigt att det var ett fel i deras egen mjukvara som ledde till misstaget.
AccuWeather innehåller mjukvara från Reveal Mobile, det företag som tagit emot informationen och som använt den i reklamsyfte. AccuWeather och Reveal Mobile säger att de inte varuit medvetna om att data samlats in och att den aldrig har använt.
AccuWeather and Reveal Mobile are committed to following the standards and best practices of the industry. We also recognize this is a quickly evolving field and what is best practice one day may change the next. Accordingly, we work to update our practices regularly.
To avoid any further misinterpretation, Reveal is updating its SDK and pushing out new versions of the SDK in the next 24 hours, with the iOS update going live tonight. The end result should be that zero data is transmitted back to Reveal Mobile when someone opts out of location sharing. In the meanwhile, AccuWeather had already disabled the SDK, pending that update.
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