Volvo admits its self-driving cars are confused by kangaroos | Technology | The Guardian

av | jul 2, 2017 | Lästips

Volvo admits its self-driving cars are confused by kangaroos | Technology | The Guardian

Volvo admits its self-driving cars are confused by kangaroos | Technology | The Guardian

Volvo’s self-driving car is unable to detect kangaroos because hopping confounds its systems, the Swedish carmaker says.The company’s “Large Animal Detection system” can identify and avoid deer, elk and caribou, but early testing in Australia shows it cannot adjust to the kangaroo’s unique method of movement.The managing director of Volvo Australia, Kevin McCann, said the discovery was part of the development and testing of driverless technology, and wouldn’t pose problems by the time Volvo’s driverless cars would be available in 2020.The road ahead: self-driving cars on the brink of a revolution in California Read more“Any company that would be working on the autonomous car concept would be having to do the same developmental work,” he said. “We brought our engineers into Australia to begin the exercise of gathering the data of how the animals can move and behave so the computers can understand it more.”

Källa: Volvo admits its self-driving cars are confused by kangaroos | Technology | The Guardian

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