Ukraine scrambles to contain new cyber threat after NotPetya attack | Reuters

av | jul 6, 2017 | Lästips

Ukraine scrambles to contain new cyber threat after NotPetya attack | Reuters

Ukraine scrambles to contain new cyber threat after NotPetya attack | Reuters

The Ukrainian software firm used as part of last week’s global cyber attack warned on Wednesday that all computers sharing a network with its infected accounting software had been compromised by hackers.The attack used a virus, dubbed ”NotPetya” by some experts, to take down thousands of computers in dozens of countries, disrupting shipping and businesses.A video released by Ukrainian police showed masked men in combat fatigues and armed with assault rifles raiding the offices of software developer Intellect Service late on Tuesday, after cyber security researchers said they had found a ”backdoor” written into some of the updates issued by its M.E. Doc accounting software.M.E. Doc is used by 80 percent of Ukrainian companies and installed on around 1 million computers in the country. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said police had blocked a second cyber attack from servers hosting the software.Intellect Service previously denied its servers had been compromised, but when asked on Wednesday whether a backdoor had been inserted, Chief Executive Olesya Bilousova said: ”Yes there was. And the fact is that this backdoor needs to be closed.”

Källa: Ukraine scrambles to contain new cyber threat after NotPetya attack | Reuters

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