Spotify denies filling popular playlists with ’fake artists’ | Technology | The Guardian

av | jul 11, 2017 | Lästips

Spotify denies filling popular playlists with'fake artists' | Technology | The Guardian

Spotify denies filling popular playlists with ’fake artists’ | Technology | The Guardian

Spotify has denied filling its most popular playlists with “fake artists”, after it was accused of creating songs to bulk out its most popular ambient playlists at low cost to itself.The allegation, first made by industry website Music Business Worldwide and brought to wider attention by culture publication Vulture, is that some playlists on Spotify are full of bands with no public profile, few songs, but millions of song plays – all as a result of their position on the service.Take “Deep Watch”, the artist behind the two-song EP Endless Fragments of Time. They have no profile outside of Spotify, no biographic detail on the site, and no upcoming concerts listed anywhere – yet their two songs have racked up a total of 4.5m plays in the five months since the EP was released. That’s due to having been listed on Spotify’s Ambient Chill playlist since April; a popular, heavily promoted playlist with more than 425,000 followers.

Källa: Spotify denies filling popular playlists with ’fake artists’ | Technology | The Guardian

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