Inside the darknet: where Australians buy and sell illegal goods | Technology | The Guardian

av | jul 5, 2017 | Lästips

Inside the darknet: where Australians buy and sell illegal goods | Technology | The Guardian

Inside the darknet: where Australians buy and sell illegal goods | Technology | The Guardian

“Our goal is to become known as the most consistent, reliable supplier of cocaine in the Aussie DNM scene,” the online listing reads. “It has been requested from a number of customers that we offer a more affordable option of cocaine so we have decided to bring out VALUE QUALITY cocaine.”This listing is one of thousands on the darknet; a hidden corner of the internet that is beyond the reach of many users.It is called the darknet because its sites are not accessible through normal search engines or web browsers. Websites are only accessible using particular software programs, many of whoch are designed to mask anonymity. This makes it a haven for organised crime groups and black-marketeers looking to sell illicit goods.Darknet sale of Medicare data ’traditional criminal activity’, minister says Read moreOnce you know how to use this software, you can begin to browse the different sites.

Källa: Inside the darknet: where Australians buy and sell illegal goods | Technology | The Guardian

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Mikael Winterkvist

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