Comment: KGI has a good track record, but no Touch ID on iPhone 8 still seems questionable | 9to5Mac

av | jul 4, 2017 | Lästips

Comment: KGI has a good track record, but no Touch ID on iPhone 8 still seems questionable | 9to5Mac

Comment: KGI has a good track record, but no Touch ID on iPhone 8 still seems questionable | 9to5Mac

There are few analysts with as good a track record as KGI’s Ming-Chi Kuo when it comes to Apple. His close links to companies in Apple’s supply-chain puts him in a good position to judge what is and isn’t on the way when it comes to new products.But having a good track record isn’t the same as being right every time, and his latest report – that the iPhone 8 will drop Touch ID altogether – seems questionable to me …NordVPNFormer Time and Fortune writer Philip Elmer-DeWitt last year put Kuo’s reliability under the microscope, finding (in an admittedly unscientific fashion) that his overall reliability was 44%.Examples of where Kuo got it wrong included the iPhone 6 being pushed into 2015 (it launched on schedule in 2014), the next iPhone after the iPhone 6 being called the iPhone 7 (it was called the 6s, as expected), a 50% year-on-year drop in iPad sales in Q2 2015 (it was 25%) and a drop in iPhone sales to 49.4M units in Q1 2015 (it was 61.2M).

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