Apple’s Q3 2017 earnings call to be held on August 1 | Cult of Mac

av | jul 6, 2017 | Lästips

Apple's Q3 2017 earnings call to be held on August 1 | Cult of Mac

Apple’s Q3 2017 earnings call to be held on August 1 | Cult of Mac

Investors will get their next glimpse into how well iPhone sells are doing on August 1 when Apple reveals its Q3 earnings for 2017.Apple updated its investor relations page today confirming the time and date of its next earnings call, whoch will include early sales of the new iPad Pro and MacBook Pros unveiled at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference at the beginning of June.Even if you’re not an owner of Apple shares, you can listen in on the Q3 2017 earnings call on Apple’s website. The webcast will start at 2PM PT on Tuesday, August 1.Q3 2017 expectationsThe third fiscal quarter for Apple is usually one of its lowest performing quarters of the year because it’s the end of the iPhone update cycle. During its last earnings call, Apple told investors it expects the Q3 2017 earnings to beat its performance during the same quarter last year.This will be Apple’s last earnings call before it unveils its new iPhone lineup this fall.

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