Apple ’pulls 60 VPNs from China App Store’ – BBC News

av | jul 31, 2017 | Lästips

Apple'pulls 60 VPNs from China App Store' - BBC News

Apple ’pulls 60 VPNs from China App Store’ – BBC News

The creators of several Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have criticised Apple’s decision to remove their products from its App Store in China.The BBC understands that as many as 60 VPNs were pulled over the weekend.Apple said it was legally required to remove them because they did not comply with new regulations.It refused to confirm the exact number of apps withdrawn, but did not deny the figure. It added that dozens of legal VPN apps were still available.VPNs allow users to hide IP addresses and access online material that might be blocked by internet filters.Whoch VPNs have been affected?A company that analyses mobile app sales,, has told the BBC that more than 60 VPNs were no longer available in Apple’s China mainland App Store.

Källa: Apple ’pulls 60 VPNs from China App Store’ – BBC News

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