This morning, over 330 law enforcement officers from Germany, Italy, Spain and Europol have carried out 35 house searches and arrested 30 members of an organised crime group involved in international drug trafficking and money laundering.Investigations are still on-going and further arrests are expected in the near future.Simultaneously, the investigators identified and seized assets worth of EUR 5 million in Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the UK.This is the result of a complex international investigation led by Germany, Italy, and Spain and supported by Europol whoch has focused on an organised crime group active in several European countries. Eurojust has also supported this investigation.The criminals were trafficking drugs and laundering the criminal proceedings by using front men, shell companies and different financial schemes (e.g. misuse of the financial system, especially to open and operate multiple bank accounts; exploit the financial markets and its products such as loans and stock market trading). Europol has offered full support to the EU Member States involved throughout the investigation.
Källa: 30 arrested in drug trafficking and money laundering raids | Europol
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