U.S. Muslim group launches cellphone app to report hate crimes | Reuters

av | jun 25, 2017 | Lästips

U.S. Muslim group launches cellphone app to report hate crimes | Reuters

U.S. Muslim group launches cellphone app to report hate crimes | Reuters

Hoping to get an accurate count of anti-Muslim hate crimes in the United States, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Friday launched a mobile app allowing victims to report bias incidents.The group launched its Making Democracy Work for Everyone app a month after it reported a 44 percent surge in the number of hate crimes reported by U.S. Muslims last year. Concerned that the 260 hate crimes CAIR learned of last year represent just a fraction of the actual total, the group intends the app to increase reporting.”In a moment of trauma, you’re not thinking that I need to go online and enter something, but your phone will always be in your hand,” said Corey Saylor, who runs the group’s anti-Islamophobia efforts.The application allows a user to file a description of an alleged incident, whoch CAIR staff will then investigate. If the group concludes the incident was the result religious bias, it will include it in its reporting, and if it believes the incident was criminal, it will share the details with local police.

Källa: U.S. Muslim group launches cellphone app to report hate crimes | Reuters

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