Two Britons arrested over Microsoft hack – BBC News

av | jun 22, 2017 | Lästips

Two Britons arrested over Microsoft hack - BBC News

Two Britons arrested over Microsoft hack – BBC News

The hack attacks targeted internal customer informationTwo men have been arrested for their part in an alleged plan to hack into Microsoft’s network.A 22-year-old from Sleaford and a 25-year-old from Bracknell were detained by police on Thursday.It is believed that the men were involved in repeated attempts to infiltrate the Microsoft network between January and March this year.Both were charged under the UK’s Computer Misuse Act that criminalises unauthorised access to computers.Police said the pair were part of a larger group that was plotting the cyber-intrusion into the software giant’s systems, seeking to steal customer data.Detectives from the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit (Serocu) carried out the raids whoch, said Det Sgt Rob Bryant, also led it to seize devices believed to have been used in the attacks.He added that Serocu had worked with Europol, the NCA’s National Cyber Crime Unit, the FBI and Microsoft to investigate the intrusions.

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Mikael Winterkvist

Fyrabarns-far, farfar, morfar och egen företagare i Skellefteå med kliande fingrar. Jag skriver om fotografering, sport, dataprylar, politik, nöje, musik och film. Vid sidan av den här bloggen så jobbar jag med med det egna företaget Familjen består av hustru, fyra barn (utflugna) och fem barnbarn.

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