Twitter is toying with a ’fake news’ reporting feature

av | jun 30, 2017 | Lästips

Twitter is toying with a 'fake news' reporting feature

Twitter is toying with a ’fake news’ reporting feature

Twitter is working on a new tool to fight the spread of inaccurate, harmful and misleading articles online, according to The Washington Post. The company is apparently prototyping a feature that would allow users to flag tweets circulating false or injurious information, though the report says the project is still in the early stages and may never see the light of day.Twitter is also playing with machine learning as a way to fight the dissemination of ”fake news,” scouring tweets for spam-like patterns and inconsistencies, the report says.The company has history in a similar space: For years, Twitter has worked to build an accessible and functional reporting system for harassment and abuse, though its efforts have ultimately been unsatisfying for many users.

Källa: Twitter is toying with a ’fake news’ reporting feature

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Mikael Winterkvist

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