Twitter to let streaming video stars collect money from fans | Reuters

av | jun 21, 2017 | Lästips

Twitter to let streaming video stars collect money from fans | Reuters

Twitter to let streaming video stars collect money from fans | Reuters

Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) plans on Wednesday to launch a system for people to earn money by streaming live on its Periscope service, a first for Twitter and a way for the company to try to compete with YouTube and others in the search for internet talent.People watching Periscope will be able to send performers and broadcasters they like a gratuity using a variety of heart shapes that are, in effect, a virtual currency they can purchase, the company said.Broadcasters who receive the equivalent of about $175 in ”super hearts” will be designated ”super broadcasters” and be able to cash out the money as earnings, the company said.At first only broadcasters in the United States will be eligible, but Periscope plans to expand to other countries soon, it said.”The spirit and the goal is for all broadcasters to be able to do this,” said Sara Haider, Periscope’s director of engineering.

Källa: Twitter to let streaming video stars collect money from fans | Reuters

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